01403 586 102
Auction surveys
Any of our usual services can be arranged for an auction property, from a full building survey, or inspection of a single defect.​
In the nick of time
During this same day auction survey, cracking was noted to the interior. The cracking proved to be major subsidence issues affecting the entire rear elevation and roof structure of the property due to the proximity of a large Oak tree.
This survey allowed our client to proceed forearmed with the information to budget accordingly for tens of thousands of pounds of remediation work.
It's all in the details
These clients couldn't make the viewing times and almost went ahead blind.
Thankfully they called us - and we carried out a full Building Survey, during which we found Japanese Knotweed. Not only a small plant on the subject property - but multiple 3m tall bushes in the vacant land next door.
This is a material issue to its value as lenders - may have prevented them obtaining a mortgage in the future.
Get in Touch
01403 586 102
ACB Surveyors Ltd
North Heath Lane,
West Sussex,
RH12 5QE